Tuesday, May 3, 2016


1. The word 'computer' has been derived from which of the following language :

a. English
b. Latin
c. Spanish
d. Greek
e. None of These

2. Which of the following is known as the father of Computer :

a. Herman Hollerith
b. Grace Hoppers.
c. Charles Babbage
d. Napier
e. None of these

3. Which of the following operation in not performed by the computer :

a, Inputting
b. Processing
c. Controlling
d. Outputting.
e. Understanding.

4. The brain of any computer is :

a. control unit
b. arithmatic logic unit
c. central processing unit
d. storage unit
e. output unit.

5. The computer size was very large in

a. first generation
b. Second Generation
c. Third Generation
d. Fourth Generation
e. None of these.

6. Pick the one that is used for logical operations or comparisons such as less than equal to or greater than

a. arithematic and logic unit
b. control unit
c. input unit
d. memory unit
e. None of these.

7. The first generation of computers were based upon

a. transistors
b. ICs
c. valves
d. conductor
e. None of these.

8. All processing of computers is done in

a. Monitor
b. CPU
c. Keyboard.
d. RAM
e. ROM

9. RAM is a type of

a. volatile memory
b. primary memory
c. temporary memory
d. all of these
e. none of these.

10. For seeing the output, we use

a. monitor
b. keyboard
c. mouse
d. joystick
e. None of these

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