Saturday, April 23, 2016


Nearly 90 Lakh Farmers are suffering in Maharashtra due to drought, Even we have heard news that fights are going on for a single drop of water. Maharashtra is always been in light for crisis of farmers and reports also say that most farmer suicide in Maharashtra only. The state government already had declared that the maximum part of state is suffering from drought. This will create a huge crisis in Agricultural field of State. May be the grains and cereals will get more costly. State has already released a relief take for Farmers, also they have asked help from the central government.

Now what i am really thinking is at this time will the cut in MNREGA is worth. As the rural society has always been complaining to get secure jobs, the MNREGA project gave them enough employment so that they can fill their stomach. According to a survey only 9200 are employed and in government files there are 8 lakhs according to government who get MNREGA. Official also say that cut in MNREGA will work as the work in not reduced.

PM Narendra Modi had already invoked the Banking Sectors to provide more loans. But the banking sectors are under a situation of a risk because of climatic changes at any time due to which farmers who lend money for Banks and fails to return had no other option to suicide rather than getting more money, As per Bank Reports the loan which are offered by bank to farmers, mostly are given to the Agricultural Corporates and Agri-business who are involved in Agriculture and though they get loan in minimum interest.

When  Maharashtra Government was asked a file, they had a explanation that only 3 farmers died of nonseasonal rains and storms which destroyed their crops. But according to report state admits 601 farmers have suicide themselves between the month of January to March, but only three of them left a letter complaining about nonseasonal rains and storms. May this drought ends with a rain soon and help those farmers and their families who are really homeless and migrated. May their stomach gets food everyday and a roof to protect from this summer temperature.

Pic defining the adverse effect of drought  in Latur District of Maharashtra. Where these birds died of the climate getting hotter and hotter day by day. Please take some pity and have a bowl of water in your roof or in your balcony so that they may save their lives. 

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