Wednesday, April 20, 2016


Mobile Lens

                       Summer is here and we are all ready for our vacations, wedding plans, graduations, but actually our Camera's and Mobile Phones should be ready to Capture Memories, Especially if you are active in Social Media to be truthful every one's is active now a days....

       These lenses are not very expensive, can be used easily and also fits in your fingers. Many types of lenses are available in the markets actually if you buy it online. I ordered some lenses individually as they come in a kit like Wide Angle, Fish EYE, Tele-Photo and Macro Lenses depending on what type of moment you wanna capture. These lenses can be cleaned easily there's no need to have a lens blower or something like that, You can easily clean them with the soft cloth. Many a times i have seen a cameraman (professional) who always be in a pressure if the lens is not working properly or has a dust inside it but here in this case there's nothing like that. You can use it as you want it.

         There are many cheap lens available in online markets but if you really need a master photography or genuine lens then you should buy it from Moments Shop. The quality of their lens if very good, also they provide you with the durable cases which can be kept in pockets or in inside of your coat pockets easily. They are light weight so can be taken anywhere easily.

           Using Lenses are as simple as expected. Now just go through the points while you purchase any Mobile Lens :

  • Some lenses are so big that they cover your Flash as every Mobile or Phone has different area for flash and camera.
  • If you use phone case or cabinet then you have to remove the case before using Lens.
  • Some Lenses are not very much compatible with Mobile Camera's actually the manufacturing of lens is different. So before buying you should go through the Manufacturer's website and find the compatiblity.
  • Ans also it will be good if you try it before buying, once you are OK with the features or quality you should but it, Else just return it or don't buy it.



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