Wednesday, April 20, 2016


On 20th April 2016 India was ranked 133 in World Press Freedom Index. India got a score of 43.17 and got 133rd Rank among 180 Countries.

In 2015 India had a rank of 136. The Top Position is occupied by Finland and then Netherlands, Norway, Denmark and then New Zealand were the next who followed with ranks. And the Last Top four Countries are North Korea, Turkmenistan, Syria, and China.

What is World Press Freedom Index??

It is an index which is annually published by RSF since 2002. After checking and measuring all the aspects of Media and Press all over the world, they give them rank according to the freedom and dynamic posting of the news in their channels or Newspapers. 

Why India is at 133rd Rank.

                       Because of many of the dynamic journalists are killed every year and crimes against media is the first factor which can be noticed everywhere in India.

                    Violence has stopped Media and made their path too difficult to post or publish the truth in their particular fields. The audience or the leaders of parties take them to different way of aspect that Journalism is the main key of Violence where this case comes special under investigative or crime journalism.

                    Every month a journalist is silently killed and four of the journalists were killed last year in connection with their work (says the studies).Uttar Pradesh is the region which comes first in the position in the field of Violence and Criminal Locations.

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